Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Double Edged Sword of Ethnic Food

Ezra Klein thinks that without immigration, America would not only be as culturally diverse, but it "would also be a much less delicious place". So true. Moving from a large, diverse city with a large pallet of different ethnic foods to choose from to a small, not-so-diverse city where the closest thing to ethnic food is Taco Bell makes you appreciate the benefits of immigration and multiculturalism.

But as I pondered this, another thought came to mind. Is this abundance of food options a direct cause of Americas problems with obesity? If people were stuck with hot dogs and hamburgers all day, every day, they would quickly get bored, possibly creating alternatives but also possibly eating less. With all the different food choices that are presented to us due to the motley population of America, we may be induced to eat more of it. More options could perhaps lead to more consumption. I wonder if the guys at Freakanomics have thoughts about this...

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